What’s Wrong With Kids Today?


My title may be a little off putting, as it is reminiscent of how every single generation prior to the current one has thought about the generation younger than them. What I am considering though is that they were right, every generation has lost a little humanity and replaced it with technology, and the “live for the moment” mentality. There isn’t anything wrong with being present, and enjoying each day as the gift it is, but it is wrong to use that for an excuse to lead a reckless and selfish existence. God has given us this gift of life to use to glorify Him, to tell the world of His love, and His hopes for our lives. Being a part of the “here and now” culture is detrimental to that gift, and is only going to lead you down a path of self loathing, damaged relationships, and right into Satan’s grasp.

I wasn’t aware how far gone we were, and how old I was getting, until just recently. I went out with a few friends for a birthday supper to a lounge. Everyone there was a lot younger than me, and I can honestly say I have never felt so out of touch with the current culture. I used to be a part of it, when I thought it was OK to get drunk on Friday and go to church Sunday. I used to live hedonistically, occasionally used drugs, and lied to myself, my family, my friends, and most importantly my God. This cycle of partying and trying to leave a clean life 5 days a week made me hate myself. I would think about the things I did when I was under the influence of something, and rehash and relive them and scrutinize myself for being so foolish, only to repeat the same mistakes on the next Friday night. Alcohol led to promiscuity, irresponsible spending, saying things that I couldn’t take back. A good therapist made me realize I was on the path to to alcoholism because I used alcohol as a tool to “loosen up”, it was a crutch for me. I had a child at the time and the thought of my son having an alcoholic mother terrified me enough to quit. I am still working on forgiveness from The Lord, I know he forgave me in an instant but I am unable to let go. The things I did have been wiped off my slate but I reflect on them often, too focused still on the past to look forward to a wonderful future with The Lord.

I am telling this story to explain how concerned I am for the new youth. It has been hard enough for me to let go of the mistakes I made, but they pale in comparison to the current mistakes being made by our young people. The nightlife is dark, there is evil in every dimly lit corner, and the Devil would have you believing he is winning if you stayed long enough. There needs to be a bright beacon of light to lead these people to new hope, a new existence, and a new love that they are searching fruitlessly for in the wrong place. They need to be covered with prayer, showered with love, and supported to all ends so they can come to amends with their lives as they are, bid adieu, and come walk with Christ.